Eye floaties are clumps of debris that float around in the vitreous cavity of your eye. They cast a shadow on your retina which shows up as a floatie when you look at a plain surface or background. As you move your eye, they will appear to move with your line of vision. Although they are normal, they can be quite annoying. Most people learn to live with them, but if they are causing problems for you, there are steps you can take to clear them.
Step One
Take a dietary supplement with a reputation for clearing eye floaties. Although there is no FDA-approved medication to clear eye floaties, anecdotal evidence suggests that certain supplements may help. The Eye Care Basics website says that taurine can help the body eliminate wastes in the eyes, while gingko, bilberry and lysine all promote proper blood flow to the eyes' blood vessels. Vitamin A, magnesium, and selenium may all improve eye health, including combating floaties.
Step Two
Use a micro current stimulator to stimulate the appropriate acupuncture points. Eye Care Basics says the points to stimulate to clear eye floaties are Tai Young, BL1, KI6, LV3, LV14, and LI4. A stimulator machine with instructions can be bought online.
Step Three
Undergo LASIK eye surgery. If you have eye floaties and are also nearsighted or have another vision problem that can be treated with LASIK, you may be able to fix both problems at once. Eye Care Basics says that many people who have underdone LASIK for vision correct have also discovered that their eye floaties were reduced.
Step Four
Undergo a vitrectomy. This is a surgical procedure in which the doctor makes tiny incisions in the eye. He then uses microsurgery implements to clear out blood and debris and remove any scar tissue that may be present in the eye. However, this procedure is not typically done just to remove eye floaties. It's primary purpose is usually to fix a detached retina.