Lupus is an autoimmune disease where the body attacks itself. About half of all patients diagnosed with lupus experience hair loss. There are 2 types of hair loss associated with lupus. One is caused by the disease and the other is caused by medication. This article will discuss ways to help minimize hair loss from lupus.
Step One
See your doctor if you notice hair loss along with other symptoms of lupus.These symptoms can include joint pain, rashes, skin lesions, fatigue and blue or cold fingers and toes.Lupus cases are never exactly alike. It is important to see your doctor if you notice these symptoms or other issues that worry you.
Step Two
Start treatment for your lupus as soon as possible.This will minimize hair loss from the disease and allow lost hair to grow back whenever possible.
Step Three
Notify your doctor immediately if you notice round scaly lesions on your face and scalp.Discoid skin lesions can cause permanent hair loss by scarring over hair follicles. Immediate adjustments in treatment are needed to minimize the damage.
Step Four
Reduce your stress levels to help prevent flareups.