When the skin surrounding your toenail turns red and swollen and starts causing you a lot of discomfort, it is probable that your toenail has grown into your toe. Chronic ingrown toenails require the services of a podiatrist.
Step One
Wipe your instruments off with alcohol or betadine. Be sure to get the undersides of your nail clippers, as that is the cutting surface that will be against your skin.
Step Two
Put 2 capfuls of povidone-iodine (Betadine) solution, into 1/2 gal. warm water. Put your foot in the water and soak for 10 minutes.
Step Three
Dry foot thoroughly and then insert nail clippers under the nail border.
Step Four
Clip out the ingrown toenail at a slight angle. Try not to cut your skin - keep the bottom of the clipper as close to the bottom of the nail plate as possible.
Step Five
Grasp the corner and gently pull it out, once the nail is cut.
Step Six
Wipe the area gently with an alcohol or a betadine-soaked gauze pad or cotton swab.
Step Seven
Soak your toe for 20 minutes each day in the Betadine solution for three days, or until soreness is gone. After soaking, dry gently and apply an adhesive bandage and some antibiotic cream.
Step Eight
Insert a sliver of cotton between the nail and the skin, for a few days. This will keep pressure off the toe. Remove the cotton as soon as the nail begins to grow out and away from the toe.