How to clean your oven in five easy steps A bit of elbow grease is unavoidable when it comes to cleaning your oven! But seeing as the oven is such…
If you use your oven for even light cooking, at some point you will need to deal with burned-on food. No matter how careful you are, food bubbles over and…
Clean a real dirty oven with these valuable tips, shared by a professional London cleaner. He will share with you some interesting cleaning tricks, which will make the cleaning easier and…
Electric oven’s heating elements are curved tubes that houses a wire. When the oven is on, electricity heats up the wire, and the heat spreads throughout the oven. Most electric…
Fixing a microwave oven can be a bit difficult, but it is not usually impossible. When your microwave is malfunctioning, the hard part is figuring out exactly what to fix.…
This knob split lengthwise. Sometimes they chip at a diagonal through the cylinder of the knob. Both kinds of damage can be fixed with this repair.
The Fan Oven will not heat up
This is a step by step guide to simple fixes I have found for anything that has a plug – TRY THIS BEFORE YOU THROW YOUR APPLIANCE AWAY!!
Preheat your oven so your food will be ready faster. Before you bake something, your oven needs to be heated to the proper temperature. While it takes only a few…